Nov 27, 2015

Ready for CQWW... more or less

Finally managed to get up an antenna for 80 meter, but this is no miracle antenna...   Just an Inverted Vee installed on a 12 meter Spiderbeam pole. Seems to go out pretty ok. Worked quite a few W6/W7 and some Europeans as well. The challenge is reception - electrical installations here are not ideal for low band RX.

My 20 meter VDA was converted to a single vertical dipole, and moved closer to the beach. The reason was that the wind is really very gusty and it was impossible to keep the three elements in line. First test seems ok and managed to work quite a few Europeans via a nice Long Path opening in the afternoon.

LOTW uploaded for contacts 22-26 November, but still missing the certificate for the 30 meter contacts made on the 21st. This will come when I return home to Moscow.

Just one more day until CQWW - looking forward very much to participate.

73 de Mats

Nov 24, 2015

First days of activity

Antennas up for 12. 15, 20 and 40.

Focus has been to provide possibility for North America to get a new one on 40 meters.. US East Coast is a challenge but conditions were pretty decent yesterday on several bands.

Plan is to put up 10 meter VDA tomorrow. Also some theoretical chance to get up a slanting vertical for 80 meters in case I manage to throw something in a distant tree. Hope I have coax enough....

Now relaxing with family at the pool.

Will focus on 12 meters CW and SSB in some hours when band opens to Europe

Nov 22, 2015

First LOTW uploaded

I uploaded LOTW but realized that certificate is only valid from 22nd, so all QSOs made 21st will be uploaded later.

Now qrv on 15, 20 and 40 meters

The 3 el VDA for 20 m is fixed to north to get NA and SA. 

Some PY and LU came in that way to (or LP (not sure really). 59 plus signals so antenna seems to perform ok. Worried a little about wind.

My sunset today I will try 40 CW and SSB.

40 meter vertical close to sea

40 meter vertical up

40 meter vertical is up. Worked well on 15 also so will see if I will use this one in contest or aim for 3 el VDA. Wind is strong and this will be easier and safer solution.
This is 3 element VDA for 20 meters

Finally in Mui Ne

After 24 hours travel we finally reached Mui Ne. Windy yesterday but now in morning great sunny weather.

Nov 20, 2015

Aeroflot SU-292 (Moscow - Ho Chi Minh)

Checked in luggage at Sheremetyevo Airport

No problems to check in our 5 large suitcases and one 23 kilo bag with Spiderbeam poles.

Radio and amplifier accepted as cabin luggage. Security even recognized the Expert as "amplifier" in the X-ray scanner. Amazing :)

Now relaxing in T.G.I.F. before the flight :)

Ready to take off...

95 kilos of radio equipment should be sufficient I hope

Nov 16, 2015

150 meter RG8X cable in various lengths

More equipment

Cross for 3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array).

This type of antenna is based on a 12 meter Spiderbeam mast with horizontal 5 meter spreaders and a homemade cross from 40 mm Polypropylene piping.

Some equipment preparation

XV2LRR is changed to XV2D

Time for a new Holiday DX expedition to Vietnam.

I will be QRV from same location (even the same bungalow) as in 2013 between 22nd (perhaps even 21st) November and 6th of December.

Based on my experience from the 2013 activity I have made some changes in the setup.

The plan is to have the following equipment and antennas:

Kenwood TS 590S
SPE Expert 1.3 K-FA Amplifier

10 meters:    3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast
12 meters:    3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast
15 meters:    3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast
17meters:     3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast
20 meters:    3 element VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast

30 meters:    1/4-wave vertical with 3 resonant elevated radials on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast
40 meters:    1/4-wave vertical with 3 resonant elevated radials on 12 meter Spiderbeam mast

80 meters:    1/2-dipole, unfortunately maximum 10 meters high

I only have 4 spiderbeam masts, which means that only 4 simultaneous bands between 10-40 meters can be operated. Before and after CQWW CW Contest, I will make priority to WARC bands.

In CQWW, the plan in to work SOAB, but could also decide for a single band (40, 20 or 15 meters likely).

LOTW will be uploaded regularly during the operation.  Only Direct QSL cards this time. No buro - Sorry!

Hope to see you suring my holiday expedition!

73 de Mats XV2D (RM2D, SM6LRR, ex XV2LRR)